Tutoring on Captivate 5
Aperçu des sections
(Attention : Cours en préparation)
Please work out the sequence of slides corresponding to the resource you have to develop.
For each slide you will have to make clear
- its title
- its objectives
- its initial organization (things that are on the slide from the beginning)
- the sequence of events (appearance of texts, images, buttons, highlight boxes...)
- the text of the narration, if any
- the slide interactivity (ie which action is required from the students), if any:
- nothing
- click an area
- click a button
- answer a question
- interact with a widget
- ...
- and the result of this action:
- jump to a page
- make an object visible
- ...
The deliverable can be a Word file (saved as PDF) including captions, the scan of a sequences of drawings, a PPT...
Don't start with Captivate as long I have not validated the storyboard.
Please use the link below to upload your work. - its title
Prototype development
Start a new Captivate project and create the sequence of slides. For each slide
- type narration in slide notes and text-to-speech it
- insert and position the objects that the slide will display
- synchronize sound and objects
- define actions on interactive objects
- don't spend time to look for the right images: insert an empty rectangle with a legend describing the image which is missing;
- don't spend time on the overal look of the page; dont' use templates.
Word Publication and review
In this review phase, you are going to give other developers access to
- a Word export of the project
- the Flash publication of the project
- the Word document has to be read by the other developers; they have to include suggestions, remarks; they have to track mistakes, errors;
- the Flash publication has to be tested by the other developers as if they were a student following a CBT resource.
Use the link below to upload you PDF file. -
Finalization of the prototype, polishing
In this phase, you are going to
- gather and integrate all missing media
- take into account the review done by other developers
- polish the projet
- if necessairy, record a narration based on notes
- define and integrate a template
- edit and change the skins
Publication for final review and full scale test
In this phase you will perform a final review of the project and you will publish it.
Your CBT course is now ready for a full test-scale in front of a group of test-students. -
Developer's additional resources
This part will be enriched with additional material along the tutoring.